Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday School News

“Nothing but Net”
Little Things Make Big Differences

One bite from a mosquito that carries the parasite that causes malaria can be deadly, and in Africa, a child dies from malaria every thirty seconds. Malaria is a global epidemic and the Lutheran World Relief has teamed up with the LCMS to form the Lutheran Malaria Initiative to help end the 1 million deaths a year in Africa by 2015 .

This Spring’s Sunday School Mission project is to learn about malaria and raise funds to buy mosquito nets. $10 buys an insecticide-treated net and trains a family on its use. We hope to raise $200 which will purchase 20 nets through the Initia-tive. More information can be found at:
Please pray for those who suffer from malaria and consider giving to this worthwhile cause, because little things do make a difference!


We can’t wait for Summer! Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca Sum-mer camp information has arrived. Brochures and reg-istration forms are available on the table in the fellowship hall. We hope to have a representative visit Immanuel sometime this spring. Be watching for more details.


Sunday School Outing to Windsor Manor on Wednesday, February 16th from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars and make plans to join us for an afternoon of fun and games with the residents at Windsor. Transportation will be provided.

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