Monday, February 7, 2011

Good news from GEO missionary Andrea Bolognini in Hong Kong.

"Christmas marks a special time in Hong Kong. In the United States, Baptisms often occur for individuals throughout the year. This is not the case in The Lutheran Church-Hong Kong Synod. One of the ways they celebrate the birth of our Savior is by celebrating new births in the family of Christ! I had the joy of attending two Baptism services this Christmas season. The first was held by Abiding Grace Lutheran Church. I work with its youth every week through a youth-led service, a disci-pleship training class and a new English class. Six of the youth who regularly attend the youth service, one mother and an infant were baptized. I thank God for each one who professed faith that day and I would like to share a few highlights.

"The infant who was baptized was born into a loving Christian family in which both parents are strong believers. This is excit-ing because many times in Hong Kong mothers believe but fathers do not. This little girl has a mother and father who will raise her in the family of Christ! Another highlight was seeing the youth that I teach weekly and have gotten to know over the past year and a half profess their faith! Many of these stu-dents displayed, through heartfelt and some tearful testimo-nies, the fact that faith in Jesus Christ is undeniably life-changing and salvation-giving.

"I also attended the Baptism service at Holy Word Lutheran Church. This was a special day for 14 people and their loved ones as some confessed their faith, others were confirmed and still others became new members. It was especially moving to see two mothers and their sons as well as a mother, father and son be baptized as a family. The son of this last family mentioned is Edwin. He is a fourth grader at one of my schools. His family has a special story. His grandmother, Susan, has been an active member of Holy Word for some time. When I arrived in Hong Kong, last year, I heard her share her powerful testimony of how God healed her from cancer. Sadly, her cancer is back, but this has not hurt her faith. I had an opportunity to visit her at her home, where she played the piano and we sang songs from the hymnal with other church members.

She trusts God, is a loving mother and grandmother and a powerful witness of faith. God is strengthening her and clearly working in her family also. It was a blessing she was able to witness her family's Baptism. Please pray for her continued recovery!"

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