Monday, February 7, 2011

Do you believe in God? I suggest that you DO NOT say “YES.”

Do you believe in God?
I suggest that you
DO NOT say “YES.”

Here’s why! But first, “Yes” is a correct answer. But let’s strive for a better, clearer, more powerful answer.

To simply answer “YES” is to be put yourself on par with the devil. The devil “believes” in God. P.S. We won’t be seeing the devil in heaven.

You believe that there is one God. Good!
Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
James 2:19

Holy Scripture says that one’s belly can be one’s god. I like food. It seems Americans in general like food. We are told we have an epidemic caused by liking food. But for those who make food consumption their God, Scripture has some harsh words.

Their end is destruction, their god is their belly,
and they glory in their shame,
with minds set on earthly things.
Philippians 3:19

I suggest that you not say “yes” because almost every one an-swers “YES” to the question “Do you believe in God?” People of the Jewish faith “believe in God”; people of the Islamic faith “believe in God.” Indeed, many people of no specific religion will say, “ I believe in God.” Did you ever stop to think that people can answer “Yes” just because ----well doesn’t everybody be-lieve in God? Only a wacko would answer said “No, I don’t believe in God!”

If you simply answer “yes” without being specific people might think you believe in the same god they believe in, when you actu-ally think their god is a false god. When confirmation students give the answer “god” in class, I frequently respond with “which God?” God Allah, God Buddha, God Confucius, God Dagon?”

I suggest you not say “yes” because at the present time in our so-ciety many people believe that all gods are the same. The church jargon term labels them as “universalists.” Or, they hold to the belief that, “There are many paths that lead through the forest, but they all get to the other side.” Obviously the inspired Scripture writers and even Jesus Christ himself didn’t get the memo on this.

[6] Jesus said to him (Thomas),
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
(John 14:6 ESV)
You shall have no other gods

More than anything I suggest one not say “yes” to the question because in our present society sadly the word “God” is “worn out.” “God” is used so much that people don’t hear it when they hear it. Most certainly they don’t mean it when they utter it. If you don’t believe me, go around for one day with a hand held counter in your hand and click it every time you hear the word “god.”

When that word “god” comes out of people’s mouths they are clueless that they are calling upon a deity. They have no intention of actually calling a divine being who is Almighty, Omnipresent, Holy, Good, Gracious, and more! (see Catechism question #94 if you want to review the attributes of God).

This phenomena of the word “god” coming out of people’s mouths almost as automatically as they breathe reminds me of what the confirmation students have informed me is a game called “Ding Dong Ditch.”

The game is intended to irritate those whose door bell is pushed. When many people say “god,” they most certainly are not are expecting God to respond or answer. They would be shocked if God phoned, texted or spoke to them saying, “Hello, This is God. How may I help you?”

“My God” is just two meaningless words. I would guestimate that 95+ percent of the time, when someone says, “My God” they are not intending to call on, to claim or to confess God as the God they “fear, love, and trust in above all things.” It is doubtful they even realize they have spoken the generic term for a deity.

Three meaningless words would be “Oh My God.”
“OMG” are three meaningless letters.

The word “god” is vague, abused, overused, worn out and pretty much meaningless as it is used in our present society.

So, what is a better answer?

Perhaps the answer should begin with the words “I believe in.....” and from there we can begin to communicate, confess and maybe even open the door to a conversation. AND SPEAK WORDS THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS PROMISED TO EMPOWER!

And after we respond with “I believe in.........recall your baptism and the answer you gave there. You likely don’t recall you were asked, “Do you believe in God.....the Father...........God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. So a better answer is, “I believe in God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.”
Or you might answer “I believe in Jesus Christ.”

You might even follow up by adding the word “because.” In fact, we really should add the word “because” and then say a whole lot more regarding how precious our God is to us!

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