Monday, February 28, 2011

Midweek Lenten Series for 2011

According to HIS PLAN (not ours)
What are you planning for Lent? It’s a question for pastors thin-ing of sermon series. It’s a question for families thinking of mid-week schedules. It’s a question for individuals thinking of the Lenten themes of repentance, charity, prayer, fasting and self-denial.

So what are we planning? Of course we plan to look at and fol-low our Lord’s plan for accomplishing our salvation. That’s what Lent is all about! It sounds easy. It isn’t easy! You see we also have our own plans. The characters in our Lord’s passion ac-count certainly had plans. Judas, the chief priests, Satan, Peter, Pontius Pilate all had plans. Plans not only for themselves but, plans for Jesus. 

Our prayer will be: Gracious Savior, be at work so your plan is my plan.

We will follow the Passion according to Saint Matthew.
March 9 Matthew 26: 1-16
Not Our Plans-HIS PLAN
Matthew 26:17-29 is the Institution of the Lord’s Supper will be the Maundy Thursday’s Scripture text
  • March 16 at 6:30 Matthew 26:30-46
    Let’s Talk About Performance
  • March 23 at 6:30 Matthew 26:47-56
    God’s Powerful Weakness
  • March 30 Matthew 26:57-68
    The problem with Jesus IS Jesus
  • April 6 at 6:30 Matthew 26:69-27:10
    The Tale of Two Disciples


Immanuel’s (change in) Lenten Plans
Please note:
There are several changes to the Lenten Offerings for 2011including meals, 
service times and order of worship.
Ash Wednesday with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion
6:00 p.m. - Preservice Potluck
7:00 p.m. - Worship with Holy Communion
Midweek, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
NO preservice meals
6:30 p.m. Worship Service
Order of Worship
We will worship using the Order of Compline. This is an evening order which emphasizes simplicity and restfulness. We put down the burdens of the day including the burden of sin and are assured that our Lord watches over us even as we sleep. The act of going to sleep is likened to the eternal rest we have in Christ as we enter the sleep of death. This is primarily a spoken liturgy. The Nunc Dimittis (Song of Simeon) is sung.

Beginning to Plan (Bequest Update)
Our Lord has $11,000. It’s His. It has been given* to Him. It comes from two bequests which were given as 2010 drew to a close. What is HIS PLAN for His money? Throughout Lent we will prayerfully begin to plan how we might best use the Lord’s funds for His purpose(s).
At present the Lord’s $11,000 is at work making 2% inter-est in the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. It is assisting other churches and schools in the LCMS to borrow and pay for capital improvements.
More information will be coming and input requested re-garding our Lord’s Plan which will guide and motivate our plans for his money.
* The $11,000 was actually returned not given. It was His all along. It might also be noted that all our general fund giving, designated gifts and mission gifts and in fact all our money that is not placed in the collection plates is the Lord’s money. So what we give to the Lord also really is returning.

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