Monday, February 28, 2011

Possible Pink Slip/RIF at Camp IoDisECa??

In the secular world, the worker is called into the bosses office. He/she is told we are eliminating positions. You are no longer needed. Turn in your keys. You’ll be escorted back to your of-fice. Clean out your desk. We are sorry. That’s it. That’s tragic.

In the church camp world, the worker was called into the board room and told, ―we must have approximately $60,000 more in income by May 1st or we must eliminate one of the three full time staff positions. You are the one! We are telling you several months in advance of the effective date so that you might both job search and also make appeals for additional one time gifts to Camp IoDisECa.

Immanuel Lutheran church is telling you this, not so that you give. The Bible never uses, ―we are desperately in need of money as a motive for giving. The motive for all our gifts is al-ways, ―We love (and give) because Jesus first loved (and gave Himself for) us.

In view of the camp challenge, the council has decided that the March 6 Second Plate Mission Offering will go toward camp. Luke Fisher, of the camp staff will be here on April 10th to promote camp attendance by our young people and give us an update.

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