Monday, February 28, 2011

All throughout 2011

Individually called to:
Live even though we have died
Lead as we daily return to the cross of Christ
Love with the heart of God

Our Church Family has been called into a partnership in the Gospel to:
Live grace empowered lives
Lead others into the Word which calls them out of darkness into the Light
Love without end and without exception


Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.

Philippians 1:3-6 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,
always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy,
because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you
will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Midweek Lenten Series for 2011

According to HIS PLAN (not ours)
What are you planning for Lent? It’s a question for pastors thin-ing of sermon series. It’s a question for families thinking of mid-week schedules. It’s a question for individuals thinking of the Lenten themes of repentance, charity, prayer, fasting and self-denial.

So what are we planning? Of course we plan to look at and fol-low our Lord’s plan for accomplishing our salvation. That’s what Lent is all about! It sounds easy. It isn’t easy! You see we also have our own plans. The characters in our Lord’s passion ac-count certainly had plans. Judas, the chief priests, Satan, Peter, Pontius Pilate all had plans. Plans not only for themselves but, plans for Jesus. 

Our prayer will be: Gracious Savior, be at work so your plan is my plan.

We will follow the Passion according to Saint Matthew.
March 9 Matthew 26: 1-16
Not Our Plans-HIS PLAN
Matthew 26:17-29 is the Institution of the Lord’s Supper will be the Maundy Thursday’s Scripture text
  • March 16 at 6:30 Matthew 26:30-46
    Let’s Talk About Performance
  • March 23 at 6:30 Matthew 26:47-56
    God’s Powerful Weakness
  • March 30 Matthew 26:57-68
    The problem with Jesus IS Jesus
  • April 6 at 6:30 Matthew 26:69-27:10
    The Tale of Two Disciples


Immanuel’s (change in) Lenten Plans
Please note:
There are several changes to the Lenten Offerings for 2011including meals, 
service times and order of worship.
Ash Wednesday with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion
6:00 p.m. - Preservice Potluck
7:00 p.m. - Worship with Holy Communion
Midweek, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
NO preservice meals
6:30 p.m. Worship Service
Order of Worship
We will worship using the Order of Compline. This is an evening order which emphasizes simplicity and restfulness. We put down the burdens of the day including the burden of sin and are assured that our Lord watches over us even as we sleep. The act of going to sleep is likened to the eternal rest we have in Christ as we enter the sleep of death. This is primarily a spoken liturgy. The Nunc Dimittis (Song of Simeon) is sung.

Beginning to Plan (Bequest Update)
Our Lord has $11,000. It’s His. It has been given* to Him. It comes from two bequests which were given as 2010 drew to a close. What is HIS PLAN for His money? Throughout Lent we will prayerfully begin to plan how we might best use the Lord’s funds for His purpose(s).
At present the Lord’s $11,000 is at work making 2% inter-est in the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. It is assisting other churches and schools in the LCMS to borrow and pay for capital improvements.
More information will be coming and input requested re-garding our Lord’s Plan which will guide and motivate our plans for his money.
* The $11,000 was actually returned not given. It was His all along. It might also be noted that all our general fund giving, designated gifts and mission gifts and in fact all our money that is not placed in the collection plates is the Lord’s money. So what we give to the Lord also really is returning.

Possible Pink Slip/RIF at Camp IoDisECa??

In the secular world, the worker is called into the bosses office. He/she is told we are eliminating positions. You are no longer needed. Turn in your keys. You’ll be escorted back to your of-fice. Clean out your desk. We are sorry. That’s it. That’s tragic.

In the church camp world, the worker was called into the board room and told, ―we must have approximately $60,000 more in income by May 1st or we must eliminate one of the three full time staff positions. You are the one! We are telling you several months in advance of the effective date so that you might both job search and also make appeals for additional one time gifts to Camp IoDisECa.

Immanuel Lutheran church is telling you this, not so that you give. The Bible never uses, ―we are desperately in need of money as a motive for giving. The motive for all our gifts is al-ways, ―We love (and give) because Jesus first loved (and gave Himself for) us.

In view of the camp challenge, the council has decided that the March 6 Second Plate Mission Offering will go toward camp. Luke Fisher, of the camp staff will be here on April 10th to promote camp attendance by our young people and give us an update.

Membership Directory

The membership directory is finally ready to go to print.
Copies should be available in your church mailboxes by March 6th.  

Free will offering for Janell Schutt family

A free will offering basket is available in the fellowship hall to assist the Janell Schutt family. Janell has suffered a recurrence of stage 4 melanoma. Her treatments involve numerous trips to Houston, Texas. She is the sister-in-law of Emily Louden. If you wish to donate an item for the silent or live auction that will be held on March 19th, contact Emily. A poster and more complete information is posted on the entry bulletin board. Enter Janell Schutt. You will need to sign in.

Sunday School News

We can’t wait for Summer! Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca Sum-mer camp information has arrived. Brochures and reg-istration forms are available on the table in the fellowship hall. We hope to have a representative from the camp visit Immanuel March 6th to promote camp attendance and provide more de-tailed information for parents.

And More Summer Activities!!!

Vacation Bible School

VBS times and dates......... need to be determined by the availability of willing workers. VBS requires approxi-mately 10 willing adults. So a questionnaire is being circu-lated. Please indicate if you are wiling to assist and when you are available? Thank You!
Vacation Bible School - Help Us Decide
Please Print, Fill Out and Return

The Board of Education would like to have the input of the con-gregation in deciding when/if VBS should be held this summer. While the children that come have a great time, attendance has declined for the past several years. ADULT volunteer positions are getting harder to fill. We will need a minimum of 10 vol-unteers in order to hold VBS. WE ARE ESPECIALLY CONCERNED ABOUT SUFFICIENT VOLUNTEERS FOR WEEKDAY MORNINGS VBS.

Mark the option(s) of your choice. Please make sure to include your name and the dates you can help. Return the bottom portion to the church office, a board member or place in the offering bas-ket. If we do not get enough volunteers, VBS will not be held this summer.
Check all that are workable for you
Circle as many as you are able
8:30 - 11:30 Monday-Thursday - June 13-16 

8:30 - 11:30 Monday-Thursday - August 1-4 

Evenings (time to be determined) - July 11-14 

Evenings (time to be determined) - August 1-4 

Do not offer VBS this summer

Monday, February 7, 2011

All throughout 2011

Individually called to:
Live even though we have died
Lead as we daily return to the cross of Christ
Love with the heart of God

Our Church Family has been called into a partnership in the Gospel to:
Live grace empowered lives
Lead others into the Word which calls them out of darkness into the Light
Love without end and without exception


Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.

Philippians 1:3-6 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,
always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy,
because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you
will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Just for Kids!

Good news from GEO missionary Andrea Bolognini in Hong Kong.

"Christmas marks a special time in Hong Kong. In the United States, Baptisms often occur for individuals throughout the year. This is not the case in The Lutheran Church-Hong Kong Synod. One of the ways they celebrate the birth of our Savior is by celebrating new births in the family of Christ! I had the joy of attending two Baptism services this Christmas season. The first was held by Abiding Grace Lutheran Church. I work with its youth every week through a youth-led service, a disci-pleship training class and a new English class. Six of the youth who regularly attend the youth service, one mother and an infant were baptized. I thank God for each one who professed faith that day and I would like to share a few highlights.

"The infant who was baptized was born into a loving Christian family in which both parents are strong believers. This is excit-ing because many times in Hong Kong mothers believe but fathers do not. This little girl has a mother and father who will raise her in the family of Christ! Another highlight was seeing the youth that I teach weekly and have gotten to know over the past year and a half profess their faith! Many of these stu-dents displayed, through heartfelt and some tearful testimo-nies, the fact that faith in Jesus Christ is undeniably life-changing and salvation-giving.

"I also attended the Baptism service at Holy Word Lutheran Church. This was a special day for 14 people and their loved ones as some confessed their faith, others were confirmed and still others became new members. It was especially moving to see two mothers and their sons as well as a mother, father and son be baptized as a family. The son of this last family mentioned is Edwin. He is a fourth grader at one of my schools. His family has a special story. His grandmother, Susan, has been an active member of Holy Word for some time. When I arrived in Hong Kong, last year, I heard her share her powerful testimony of how God healed her from cancer. Sadly, her cancer is back, but this has not hurt her faith. I had an opportunity to visit her at her home, where she played the piano and we sang songs from the hymnal with other church members.

She trusts God, is a loving mother and grandmother and a powerful witness of faith. God is strengthening her and clearly working in her family also. It was a blessing she was able to witness her family's Baptism. Please pray for her continued recovery!"

Sunday School News

“Nothing but Net”
Little Things Make Big Differences

One bite from a mosquito that carries the parasite that causes malaria can be deadly, and in Africa, a child dies from malaria every thirty seconds. Malaria is a global epidemic and the Lutheran World Relief has teamed up with the LCMS to form the Lutheran Malaria Initiative to help end the 1 million deaths a year in Africa by 2015 .

This Spring’s Sunday School Mission project is to learn about malaria and raise funds to buy mosquito nets. $10 buys an insecticide-treated net and trains a family on its use. We hope to raise $200 which will purchase 20 nets through the Initia-tive. More information can be found at:
Please pray for those who suffer from malaria and consider giving to this worthwhile cause, because little things do make a difference!


We can’t wait for Summer! Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca Sum-mer camp information has arrived. Brochures and reg-istration forms are available on the table in the fellowship hall. We hope to have a representative visit Immanuel sometime this spring. Be watching for more details.


Sunday School Outing to Windsor Manor on Wednesday, February 16th from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars and make plans to join us for an afternoon of fun and games with the residents at Windsor. Transportation will be provided.

Do you believe in God? I suggest that you DO NOT say “YES.”

Do you believe in God?
I suggest that you
DO NOT say “YES.”

Here’s why! But first, “Yes” is a correct answer. But let’s strive for a better, clearer, more powerful answer.

To simply answer “YES” is to be put yourself on par with the devil. The devil “believes” in God. P.S. We won’t be seeing the devil in heaven.

You believe that there is one God. Good!
Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
James 2:19

Holy Scripture says that one’s belly can be one’s god. I like food. It seems Americans in general like food. We are told we have an epidemic caused by liking food. But for those who make food consumption their God, Scripture has some harsh words.

Their end is destruction, their god is their belly,
and they glory in their shame,
with minds set on earthly things.
Philippians 3:19

I suggest that you not say “yes” because almost every one an-swers “YES” to the question “Do you believe in God?” People of the Jewish faith “believe in God”; people of the Islamic faith “believe in God.” Indeed, many people of no specific religion will say, “ I believe in God.” Did you ever stop to think that people can answer “Yes” just because ----well doesn’t everybody be-lieve in God? Only a wacko would answer said “No, I don’t believe in God!”

If you simply answer “yes” without being specific people might think you believe in the same god they believe in, when you actu-ally think their god is a false god. When confirmation students give the answer “god” in class, I frequently respond with “which God?” God Allah, God Buddha, God Confucius, God Dagon?”

I suggest you not say “yes” because at the present time in our so-ciety many people believe that all gods are the same. The church jargon term labels them as “universalists.” Or, they hold to the belief that, “There are many paths that lead through the forest, but they all get to the other side.” Obviously the inspired Scripture writers and even Jesus Christ himself didn’t get the memo on this.

[6] Jesus said to him (Thomas),
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
(John 14:6 ESV)
You shall have no other gods

More than anything I suggest one not say “yes” to the question because in our present society sadly the word “God” is “worn out.” “God” is used so much that people don’t hear it when they hear it. Most certainly they don’t mean it when they utter it. If you don’t believe me, go around for one day with a hand held counter in your hand and click it every time you hear the word “god.”

When that word “god” comes out of people’s mouths they are clueless that they are calling upon a deity. They have no intention of actually calling a divine being who is Almighty, Omnipresent, Holy, Good, Gracious, and more! (see Catechism question #94 if you want to review the attributes of God).

This phenomena of the word “god” coming out of people’s mouths almost as automatically as they breathe reminds me of what the confirmation students have informed me is a game called “Ding Dong Ditch.”

The game is intended to irritate those whose door bell is pushed. When many people say “god,” they most certainly are not are expecting God to respond or answer. They would be shocked if God phoned, texted or spoke to them saying, “Hello, This is God. How may I help you?”

“My God” is just two meaningless words. I would guestimate that 95+ percent of the time, when someone says, “My God” they are not intending to call on, to claim or to confess God as the God they “fear, love, and trust in above all things.” It is doubtful they even realize they have spoken the generic term for a deity.

Three meaningless words would be “Oh My God.”
“OMG” are three meaningless letters.

The word “god” is vague, abused, overused, worn out and pretty much meaningless as it is used in our present society.

So, what is a better answer?

Perhaps the answer should begin with the words “I believe in.....” and from there we can begin to communicate, confess and maybe even open the door to a conversation. AND SPEAK WORDS THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS PROMISED TO EMPOWER!

And after we respond with “I believe in.........recall your baptism and the answer you gave there. You likely don’t recall you were asked, “Do you believe in God.....the Father...........God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. So a better answer is, “I believe in God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.”
Or you might answer “I believe in Jesus Christ.”

You might even follow up by adding the word “because.” In fact, we really should add the word “because” and then say a whole lot more regarding how precious our God is to us!