Saturday, December 18, 2010

Warning Christmas Ahead (Ignore this warning at your own risk)

It strikes me that this is an appropriate sign for Advent!

We most often encounter warning signs while on the high-way. When one sees a highway warning sign, they should SLOW DOWN! …...PAY CLOSER ATTENTION! ……. BE-WARE OF THE UNEXPECTED! The theme of road con-struction is prominent in the Advent Scriptures. See Isaiah 40:3-5

Warnings regarding our heart health are also prominent. SEEK MEDICIAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY! If you experi-ence the warning signs of a heart attack. Advent is about ―spiritual hearth health. If we highlighted each mention of ―hearts‖ in the Advent hymns we would have highlights on al-most every hymn!

This world is blind to the word …..
The world does not slow down....... if anything the world speeds up as Christmas approaches. The adjective that describes Christ-mas has mutated from ―Merry‖ to ―Hectic.

What about you and I? If we insist on ignoring the Advent warn-ing call........ we put ourselves at risk. Risk of what?

1. Certainly, we won’t know why there needs to be is a Christ-mas.

2. We won’t be prepared. That is our hearts won’t be pre-pared. Please don’t think this is something to add to your ―do do list.‖ Heart preparation is something only our God can do and does accomplish as we hear his word, hear forgiveness of sins announced and we receive the Sacrament.

3. We will miss out the magnitude and intricacies and blessed-ness of the Christmas miracle.

May God’s Holy Spirit working in the Advent message grant us repentance, heart renovation, renewed faith, and eager hope, in-creased peace, overflowing joy!

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