Thursday, December 30, 2010

Naming and praying for...

January 30th
Naming and praying for
......those we name in our hearts.
During the prayer of the church each Sunday we allow time a brief time in worship for private prayer for ......those we name in our hearts.

Within our circles of family, friends and coworkers, we all know, sometimes very intimately, folks who are on our minds and in need of our prayers due to a variety of health, job and other needs. Possibly, but probably not, our fellow congregation mem-bers are unaware of these near and dear ones.

We will be providing an opportunity for you to submit names and prayer requests so that we might publicly name those names and include a petition on their behalf in the prayer of the church. The specified Sunday’s for this are the 5th Sunday of the month. January 2011 has five Sundays so we are asking that you ...So we are asking that you fill out a form provided in the January 23rd bulletin or email by Wednesday morning, January 26th and we will include these petitions on the January 30th wor-ship service.

Prayer Request for Those we name in our hearts
Name/s _______________________________________
Relationship to Immanuel member ___________________
Prayer concern _________________________________

Name/s Arlene Brandt and Yasuko Brandt,
Relationship to Immanuel member sister and sister in law of Pastor
Prayer concern who both will be undergoing knee surgery in early January.

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