Monday, October 25, 2010

Sore Jaws!

Within minutes after the combine left the cornfield north of church, I happened to see a squirrel scamper past the front door of the church with an almost complete ear of corn in its mouth. My first thought was: that big heavy ear of corn probably weighs almost as much as the squirrel! His/her jaw must hurt after hav-ing carried the corn that far. I doubt the squirrel was complaining.

My second thought was: God has blessed us in a similar abundant fashion. We likely don’t have sore jaws, but instead rather sore stomachs from the variety of food, the delectability (tastiness) of that food and the quantity of the food that our God provides.

A third thought was: Of course, God’s abundant provision is not limited to food for our bodies. We have the abundance of food for our souls. God graciously gives us divine gifts. This includes the feast of the Savior’s body and blood, in with and under the bread and wine.

So, as my thoughts momentarily turned again to that sore jawed squirrel. I thought, we Christians should all have sore jaws at the close of Sunday Divine Service. God feeds us an abun-dance even more extravagant than a complete ear of corn.

And a final thought was: Maybe our sore jaws should come from the smiles and the singing of thanks and praise out of the gratitude and relief of renewed forgiveness given us each time we gather for worship!

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