Thursday, September 9, 2010

Church Council Minutes

Monthly Meeting of Church Council
Sunday, August 8th, 2010

The regular monthly meeting of the Church Council was held on Sunday, Au-gust 11, 2010 at 10:35 after worship. Present: Pastor Brandt, Chris Christen-son, Skip Lowe, Troy Johnson, Jim Roach and Linda Lowe. President Skip Lowe called the meeting to order and Pastor opened with prayer
Minutes of the July 11th, 2010 regular monthly meeting were distrib-uted. There were no additions or corrections. Motion made by Chris Christen-son, seconded by Troy Johnson, to approve the minutes as printed. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Chris Christenson. Written report at-tached. Motion made by Jim Roach and seconded by Pastor Brandt, to ap-prove the Treasurer’s Report as printed. Motion carried. Chris noted that cash flow has been good for July compared to other Julys in the past.

Board of Elders: Jim Roach
Saturday service had been discontinued due to lack of attendance
Thrivent seminar – August 22 for kids and parents
Sunday School , we have 11-12 families and 16-17 students
Research done on manpower in the congregation and found we have 52 males, 17% serving, 10% in retirement, 42% that are ac-tive and attend church and 31% don’t attend.
No movement on the Banners, stained glass, advent wreath and burial pall.
We will need to find a replacement organist for a time this fall and in January 2011. Pastor said he would help out with that.

Board of Trustees: Troy Johnson
Roof is done
Cross is in process of being fixed they are going to try to fix it them-selves.
Gutters are going to be fixed in October, Eric went with contractor in Newton
Some bids on damage came under and some over what adjusters esti-mated so they are figuring all of that out.

Board of Education: Pastor Brandt for the board
Need Sunday School teachers, are having 2 teachers at all times for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade class. Going to have 4 teachers total for those grades.

Board of Stewardship: Given by Skip Lowe for Susan Vos
Letter went out explaining the mission envelopes and the general fund so people don’t get them mixed up.

Board of Evangelism: Linda Lowe
Discussed the Sit before you Serve voted on today after worship.
Pie being served after worship Sunday
Shoes and Undies mission being re-promoted.
School project under way until Tuesday the 10th of August.
Working on budget for mission/evangelism board
Cookie Sunday was discussed if we should continue and if we should coordinate. It was decided that we should.

Board of Fellowship: Pastor Brandt for the board
Encouraging young families to engage in fellowship outside of wor-ship and church.

Immanuel Woman’s Organization: Starting up in the fall

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Brandt
Addressed the need for more male involvement is in process.
Sit before you serve
Confirmation instruction – Meeting with confirmation families.
New church secretary – Ryan C. Intlekofer good first week.
Thrivent Parents, Kids and money matters, August 22
Pictorial Directory – Photos on August 22nd and Sept. 12
The workplace can be a place of difficulties, tensions, conflicts, de-mands, lack of fulfillment, minimal or no appreciation. May we support our fellow members during tough times at work.
Thrivent Choice – Congregational Advocate Needed for Sept.
September calendar – circulated

None reported at this time

Ryan Intlekofer new secretary mentioned in Pastor’s report
Shop and Share at Thiesens Aug 15-21, 5% of sales goes back to church, we just need to turn in receipts.
LHS letter for mission was discussed. Nothing done at this time.
Next council meeting will be Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 at 6pm

ADJOURMENT: Motion was made by Troy Johnson and seconded by Jim Roach to adjourn the meeting and Pastor followed in prayer at 11:35am.

Linda Lowe recorded minutes sitting in for Barb Shell

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